
1991 - 1998: MSc degree. St.Petersburg State Technical University (SPbSTU).

Solid State Physics department. Cumulative average 4.8

1989 - 1991: Physical-Technical School N566 (St.Petersburg).


10.1996-03.1997: - "Business Management and Modern Production" course (SPbSTU and Jyvaskyla Technical Institute, Finland).Finnish Entrepreneurial certificate.

03.1997 "Young researcher seminar" TSM Business School, Enshede, the Netherlands

06.1998-07.1998 Accounting course, Pleahnov Economics Academy, Moscow.

05.1999 "Upgrading to Microsoft SQL Server 7.0" Academy LIMTU, St.Petersburg


Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (Web Developer)

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (.Net 2.0 and SQL Server 2005)

Microsoft Certified Professional

(Transcript ID - 707515, Access Code - helloworld)

Brainbench ( Transcript ID#:3062730

“MSSQL Server 2000” – programming and administration,”.NET framework”,”IIS 6.0 administration”, “C#”, others.